poniedziałek, 30 kwietnia 2012

Lynchian Courtain

Z dedykacją dla Rafaka.
PS. Na Dwutygodniku ciekawy tekst Mirosława Filiciaka o gifach: tu.

New Bookmarks Addition

Official NBA tumblr with archival photos from the NBAE/Getty Images pool!

czwartek, 26 kwietnia 2012

Salone Style

"They Are Wearing" from Milan's Salone Internazionale Del Mobile - cover story in the today's issue of WWD.
If you are in the States, grab yourself a copy. If you are not, online version is available here.

poniedziałek, 23 kwietnia 2012

Nowhere Goes Somewhere

500 years ago Ferrara was New York. Today it's just Ferrara but it's still amazing.
We went there last weekend to officially launch MARIOS' 'Nowhere' collection at Slam Jam.
There was an exhibition of my photos as well.
Good weekend.

wtorek, 17 kwietnia 2012

This World Is Zombie World?

Watching this I imagine a hologram basketball game of the legends from throughout the NBA's history.
Pistol Pete alley oop pass to Domique Wilkins!!!!
It's not cool, it's eerie.

poniedziałek, 16 kwietnia 2012

sobota, 14 kwietnia 2012


Ulica Młynowa. Obok Kijowska, Grunwaldzka, Cygańska i reszta.
Przedwojenne drewno w środku miasta. Chanajki. Białostocki szyk, białostockie gadki i białostocki styl.
Od kiedy fotografuję, chciałem zrobić o tej okolicy materiał.
Robiłem kilkadziesiąt podejść - średnim, małym i pożyczonym od Marka Szczepańskiego wielkim.
Zawsze byłem niezadowolony. Za bardzo National Geographic, za łzawo, za mało łzawo.
Teraz nic już prawie z Młynowej nie zostało, jest porządek i lepszych zdjęć już nie zrobię.
Cztery sprzed czterech lat z pożyczonego Graflexa.

There used to be this neighborhood in my hometown - ulica Młynowa and its side streets.
Surreal, village-like area in the center of 300K city of Białystok.
Full of pre-war wooden architecture, old people speaking local dialect and all the things that go along with it.
I have always considered it the quintessence of my city's character and since I started to take pictures I wanted to document it.
I made a number of attempts and I was never happy with the results.
Today not much is left of Młynowa, they put the area in "order" and I will not have a chance to do anything better.
These are four photos I took four years ago.

piątek, 13 kwietnia 2012

Two Girls, Two Boys

Nice publication in unFLOP.
Always nice publications in unFLOP.

Vega, Patryk

Dla Wprost. Trapeza nie udało się załatwić, było Daewoo Espero.

poniedziałek, 2 kwietnia 2012

Brian Lotti

Modern skateboarding videos are great. They are so great and so advanced that I cannot relate to them.
This is why I usually like older ones better. I won't be able to do anything Brian Lotti does here, but at least I can imagine myself trying.
Maybe tomorrow.