Scottie Pippen in Monte Carlo

A screen shot from the new amazing Dream Team documentary.
Whole film to be seen here.

wtorek, 24 lipca 2012

A Love Supreme

I saw this clip in a 411VM I borrowed from someone (I am sorry not to remember who) in 1997 or 1998.
It was an epiphany. It was exactly what I thought skateboarding videos and skateboarding and life as such should be.

Today I have finally found this bit on youtube. It still is what it is.
Here it goes, with love from me to you.

piątek, 20 lipca 2012

Rosław Szaybo

Rosław Szaybo projektuje okładki i plakaty.
Zaprojektował okładki "Astigmatic" Komedy, debiutu The Clash, "British Steel" Judas Priest (z żyletką) i pewnie kilkuset innych albumów.
Mój tekst o nim do przeczytania w nowej "Polityce", wersja online dla abonentów tu.

This gentleman is Rosław Szaybo. He is a graphic designer.
He designed album covers for The Clash, Judas Priest, Krzysztof Komeda and hundreds others.
I wrote a text about him for "Polityka", it's in Polish.

środa, 18 lipca 2012

Week With The Boys

Backstage of Milano Uomo Fashion Week SS 2013 for WWD.

sobota, 14 lipca 2012

Dutch Nocturnes

Short visit to a grim country.

niedziela, 8 lipca 2012

sobota, 7 lipca 2012

Under the Westway

New song from Blur! New song from Blur! New good song from Blur!

piątek, 6 lipca 2012

Tout baigne

The fashion week marathon is officially over. I am back from Paris (with my favorite TGV train) and I am back to posting.