Most of the shows in Jardin des Tuileries take place in a boring white polyester tent. Similar to ones you can rent for a garden party.
The park itself is beautiful, the tent is absolutely not.
For this season's haute couture show Dior took the tent to a new level. They built a cube that was all covered in mirrors. Mirrors reflecting the beautiful park.
That was the most impressive thing I've seen during the whole January fashion marathon.
And now I am back home and really impressive things are going to happen soon!
sobota, 26 stycznia 2013
Szklana pułapka
środa, 23 stycznia 2013
piątek, 18 stycznia 2013
300 km/h
Fashion marathon is under way.
No time for posting, no time for sleeping.
One of the stops was in Florence.
I wonder what "Futura" used to sell. The shop is closed, there is only this beautiful old neon left.
niedziela, 6 stycznia 2013
piątek, 4 stycznia 2013
From Sweden. Clean and Simple
Nigdy nie przeczytałem żadnej książki Augusta Strindberga, ale ta uwspółcześniona wersja jego portretu z 1881 zwaliła mnie z nóg.
Oryginalne zdjęcie jest autorstwa Roberta Roeslera, przeróbkę z okazji Roku Strindberga zrobił Mattias Lindback.
I have never read anything by August Strindberg, it does not stop me from being blown away by this modern version of his 1881 portrait.
The original photo is by Robert Roesler, modern retake is the job of Mattias Lindback.
środa, 2 stycznia 2013
Some of Us Have Real Jobs
Szymon Sławiec, stolarz. Dla Przekroju.
Szymon Sławiec, carpenter. For Przekroj.