sobota, 3 września 2011

Hockney on iPad

It's not a fresh news but I've learned about it only yesterday - David Hockney has an iPad, he makes drawings on it using an application named
Brushes and he exhibits the effects in the galleries, on a set of iPads hung on the wall. Apple is not paying him a dime, they approached him
after the first show he had in Paris but he refused. He is doing it because he loves it. He likes the glow of an iPad and he likes the fact
that there's no original copy of a drawing, you can e-mail it and have as many originals as you want.

I have always been a huge fan of mr. Hockney - both as an artist and a theoretician. But with these iPad drawings I am lost. I am sharing.

5 komentarzy:

Anonimowy pisze...

Kurtka piłka: warto kupić Canona A-1 z New FD 50 1.4 za 400 zł?

Magu Malinowska pisze...

I think it is just brill! He is playing with new technologies... plus he doesn't have to sign any contracts with Apple, what a fortunate situation he is in... As for the drawings themselves, am not sure i like them... I think i prefer his work on canvases.But that is a matter of time, i guess, and certain habits.

kuba pisze...

I nawet Moleskine zaczął robić opakowania na iPada. pisze...

400 zł ? dużo wg. mnie

Anonimowy pisze...

Ozzy Osbourne zapytany w tv czy słucha jakiejś nowej muzyki, np. Justina Biebera odpowiedział:
- "Who's the fuck is Justin Bieber?".

Wszystko teraz z fabryki, cyfrowe i z plastiku. I w dodatku ładne.