środa, 25 lutego 2015

Growing Up in Denim

An amazing looking gent from London.
He had to go, I had to run and I know nothing about him.

poniedziałek, 23 lutego 2015

Dobry Fisz

Pod każdym względem dobry.

czwartek, 12 lutego 2015

Youth Of Today

Mr. Justin

Justin O'Shea for the 07 printed issue of Style.com

niedziela, 8 lutego 2015

Total Eclipse Of The Heart

When my brother comes to visit you can always count on some youtube gems.

piątek, 6 lutego 2015

Tacy ludzie istnieją!

Nie widać tego po niej, ale pani Danuta Szaflarska skończyła dziś sto lat!
Fotografowałem ją dwa lata temu dla TRu, w którym pani Danuta ciągle aktywnie pracuje - występuje, podróżuje itd.
Prosto z naszej sesji pani Danuta pojechała odebrać wizę z rosyjskiej ambasady, następnego dnia leciała ze spektaklem do Petersburga.

You can't really tell looking at her but Danuta Szaflarska has just turned 100 years old!
Two years ago I photographed her for TR, a Warsaw theater in which she still plays and with which she still travels.
Straight from our shoot she went to pick her visa from the Russian embassy, she was flying to star in a play in Saint Petersburg the next day.

niedziela, 1 lutego 2015

Tara Ra Ra Ra Ram Pam Pam!

Polo shirts, southern light and good video days.
And an amazing chorus to sing along!

Paris Posterized

Modern men's elegance in Paris tends to be down to earth, a little twisted and celebrating the imperfect.
These poster campaigns seem to be doing exactly the same thing.
It's good feeling to be seeing beautiful posters on the walls in the city and not only in the exhibitions and coffee table books.