czwartek, 29 grudnia 2011


Scooter fashion in Milan for WWD. Today's cover story.

Miły dodatek

W "Tygodniku Powszechnym" dodatek o Miłoszu z moimi zdjęciami.
Proste zdjęcia.

środa, 28 grudnia 2011

Janusz Głowacki

W nowym "Wprost".

środa, 21 grudnia 2011


Resting My Bones

wtorek, 20 grudnia 2011

Pietro Wearing Landscape

Marios SS2012 t-shirt with my Afghan landscape.


'News', 1941 - nine-ton stainless steel bas-relief by Isamu Noguchi in the AP building at the Rockefeller Center.
It depicts how it used to be.

Smutna książka na gwiazdkę dla zwalnianych z pracy kolegów: Bernard Poulet "Śmierć gazet i przyszłość informacji".

poniedziałek, 19 grudnia 2011


Swanski for Red Bulletin.

wtorek, 6 grudnia 2011


Few days in Warsaw.


Kiedyś na szczecińskim przejściu dla pieszych zrobiłem zdjęcie Webbera.
Webber z Łoną nagrali piosenkę na dziś.

poniedziałek, 5 grudnia 2011

Dostawa u Moniki

Monika wrzuciła nowe rzeczy na Vintage Hunters. Kupujcie.

New arrival at Monika's Vintage Hunters. Buy.

Six Handshakes Theory

Wojtek Kocołowski told me about a fascinating documentary he had seen. The movie tells a story of Ion Barladeanu, a Romanian homeless
who became an art-world celebrity. During Ceausescu era he used to make naive pop collages, when the system fell he lost his job and started
living in the street. In 2008 a young gallery from Bucharest discovered him and the world career started. The movie won Emmy, here is a trailer.

In March 2008 I had an exhibition in Ha'Art gallery in Bucharest. Dan Popescu, owner of the place had just met a crazy beggar who had a briefcase
full of incredible political collages. The portfolio was his treasure. Dan brought him to the gallery when we were mounting the exhibition, they talked
in Romanian, so I couldn't understand a thing. When they were finished I made two portraits of this Hank Chinasky impersonation.

And now I google mr. Barladeanu and I find a picture of him chatting with Angelina Jolie.
Mr. Barladeanu, Dan - congartulations!